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4 Earth Friendly Cleaning Tips

Reduce, reuse, recycle, that’s what we’ve all been told to do, right? It’s important to keep the three R’s in mind, especially when it comes to cleaning out your home and deciding what to do with everything you’re ready to get rid of. The trick to using the three R’s is to get rid of the “just throw it out” mentality and ask yourself, “how can this item be reused for a different purpose?”

Donate, Don’t Dispose

You’ve heard the saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” so if you’re considering throwing away a perfectly reusable item, donate it instead! There are plenty of places that will take donations of old clothes, toys, glassware, linens, games, accessories, and much more. You can bring any item to a local shelter, donation center, or goodwill box and now you’re cleaning will benefit someone else’s life and reduce the size of your contribution to local landfills!

Recycle, Recycle, Recycle

For items that are too worn to be donated, recycle them. Many everyday items such as clothing, furniture, and electronics can be recycled and repurposed for future use. Aside from your used items, remember to recycle plastics, paper, and cans instead of throwing them in the trash. All of these items can be repurposed or reused and lessen your impact on the earth and landfills. Make sure to contact your local recycling plant to find out what they accept and what your recycled items can be used for!


Instead of disposing of your waste, try throwing it in into a compost bin! Compost bins turn biodegradable waste into a rich soil conditioner to help grow your garden and lawn. Any organic waste- such as food, grass, paper, leaves, etc.- can be compostable. What’s even better, is that starting a compost is as easy as having a large bin and throwing your compostable waste into it. This definitely counts as recycling and reusing!

Reduce for the Future

Cleaning is the best time to change your lifestyle habits in order to keep your home, and the earth, clean! Start a new practice of reducing the amount of waste you produce on a daily basis to cut down on the amount of time you spend on cleaning every year. Always try to buy products with reduced or reusable packaging, and make an effort to stop using one-use items such as paper plates, plastic utensils, and straws altogether.

Clean with Clifford Containers

At Clifford Containers, we offer a variety of dumpsters in different sizes and prices that’ll help you in your cleaning process! We know that after cleaning, reusing, and recycling, there is still going to be a good amount of items you have to throw away, and that’s where we can help! We offer same-day dumpster rentals and tips on waste management. For more information, call (781)337-7389 or fill out a contact form for a custom quote!

Call Us: 781-337-7389
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