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14' Long X 8' Wide X 5 1/2' Tall. Holds Approximately 6 Pick-up Truck Loads.

What is a Roll Off Container?

Roll Off Containers and Dumpsters have been used for a very long time. Dumpsters, especially have become mainstream, as they are an extremely easy way to get rid of the waste in a larger commercial or residential area. An example of this would be the use of a dumpster in a school lot or in a lot of an apartment complex, as those two areas may need garbage to be disposed of in a different way than say a home. This, however, is just when we refer to dumpsters, which are characterized by their strictly square shape. They have also been changed recently to be used as forms of recycling as well, making it easier than ever to recycle.

What Differentiates a Roll Off Container?

A Roll Off container is different from a regular dumpster because it has an open top. An open top is a significant difference, as a dumpster has a top on it. Similarly, a roll off container is rectangular, and a dumpster is square as mentioned above. While dumpsters typically stay in the same spot for a long period of time, roll-off containers are often designed for transport so that they can be constantly reused in different scenarios. These would be the main differences that we see when it comes to disparities between these two items.

What Can It Be Used For?

Roll Off containers can be used for a huge range of services. These include some of the following:

  • Construction Sites
  • Demolition Sites
  • Renovation Projects
  • Spring Cleaning
  • Roofing Work
  • Even More!

Contact Daniel J. Clifford & Son Dumpster Service

If you would like to learn more about container rental and pick up services, along with the process that goes along with this, please contact us by filling out our contact form or by giving us a call at 800-440-4500.

Call Us: 781-337-7389
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