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Keeping a Clean Construction Site

Construction, in general, gets a bad rep of being a dirty, messy environment, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Challenge the stereotype, and make it your mantra to keep it clean. Use these tips to help keep your construction sites clean and organized.

Keeping a Tidy Site

When someone hires you to do a construction job in their home, such as a bathroom remodel or even an addition to their home, they automatically expect it is going to cause a huge inconvenience in their home for weeks. The thought of their home being torn apart for weeks probably makes them hesitant to start the project in the first place. Ensuring your prospective client that your crew works cleanly, efficiently, and respectfully can help to ease their mind and choose your company over a competitor. Training your crew to keep music at appropriate levels, swearing to a minimum, and no smoking on the job will also help to eliminate the dirty stereotypes that are often associated with job sites.


Keeping your space clean is often a matter of organizing and strategizing. Inform your team which entryway to use in the house, and try to keep it to one. Limiting the space that the crew is allowed to use can help the family to feel that their space is not completely invaded. Make it clear where all trash should be disposed of, and that it should be taken care of in a timely manner. Crew members can also work more efficiently when they’re not dodging piles of waste and trash.

Cut Costs

In some cases, keeping a clean workspace can even help to cut costs. Contractors may give you a better price if they prefer working with your company because of how clean and respectful your team works. With a clean space, workers may also be more productive, eliminating the need for overtime or additional employees.

Choose the Right Dumpster Size

A common problem for worksites becoming overcrowded and filled with space is lack of dumpster space. Before ordering a dumpster, consider the scope of the project and think about just how much waste you’ll be producing. When dumpsters become full too fast, crew members will be quick to leave their trash hanging around just anywhere. Order a proper dumpster size for your project in order to keep waste condensed and out of the way.

Contact Clifford Daniel J. Clifford & Son Dumpster Service

If you need assistance choosing the right size dumpster for your construction site, contact the experts at Clifford Containers. Our team will be happy to assist. Fill out a contact form to get a free quote or give us a call today at 800-440-4500.


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